Minimising Emotional Impact of Retrenchment

ACMA’s Outplacement program ensures immediate intervention to minimise the emotional harm to retrenched personnel (SAFETY NET). This can be managed by having a counsellor on-site at the time of retrenchment advice or remotely by telephone and other support techniques.
Early professional intervention and engagement of retrenched workers enable the outplacement consultants to connect quickly with their clients. Early meaningful conversations about their clients’ career concerns and life pressures can help mitigate the "sense of hopefulness and vulnerability" often felt by retrenched people.
Plus, other EAP assistance is required by the retrenched person and/or immediate family.
Disclaimer: Associated Career Management Australia is a career counsellor only and does not have expertise in psychology or any related profession. We will always refer clients for additional professional support when necessary.
WARNING: Never let a retrenched person contact their spouse or partner without having FIRST talked with a qualified career counsellor … this is the employer’s responsibility to the retrenched person’s safety, well being and future.
Employers can potentially be exposed to Industrial Manslaughter laws and uncapped Common Law vicarious liability compensation claims for the actions of retrenched employees (even many weeks AFTER their termination).
Note: These programs comply with the Australian Government's "Australian Blueprint for Career Development" career management competency guidelines