What You Will Receive

What You Will Receive

Australia's leading CASE MANAGEMENT based career development & outplacement program.

It’s never too late to re-connect with your career passion – as long as you have the right resources and professional support!


"A completely different strategic approach to job search and career development based on research and analysis", including Career Match Report that will enable you to target your job search only on organisations that will want your skills, plus competency-based CV, Action Plan, online digital and social media profile development...all designed to give you the best chance of obtaining your ideal job.  Using ACMA’s unique online systems "Career Talk" we can assist anyone/anywhere (in the language of their choice) to get the right job with the right company, plus discover the "secrets" that determine how you can reach your full career potential Contact us now

Personalised career transition assistance Australia/NZ wide (in our CBD offices or your home/workplace via convenient interactive online career management system, including tablet and smartphone technology) by Australia's leading career development specialist with years of business and career management/corporate outplacement experience; providing expert case management on all stages of your career transition (from initial testing/assessment to final placement)...based on the latest Emotional Intelligence (EI), Rapid Pathway Molding (RPM), Cognitive Information Processing (CIP), Narrative Therapy (NT) and Prior Learning Assessment Recognition (PLAR) techniques

One-click ONLINE JOB SEARCH button giving instant access to numerous matched jobs throughout Australia that you are looking for, plus integrated "real-time" online Job Application and Interview recording and monitoring system

Secure video conferencing facilities delivering face to face training and discussions

UNLOCK YOUR TRUE CAREER POTENTIAL with intensive "one-on-one" unlimited support and evidence-based advice at all stages with regular review meetings and task setting, with no limits on contact numbers, program duration or length

Learn life long career management and job search skills that will be of enduring benefit including effective networking and developing your connections (by leveraging your network in the proper way, you may never have to look for a job again); handling psychometric and personality tests; career planning; goal setting; application protocols/letters; selection criteria response; CV/resume writing; self-marketing; confidence-building skills; detailed understanding of the Australian employment market including current opportunities, re-training and/or up-skilling options, plus developing and promoting your personal brand

Career mapping:  "Where do I see myself in five years?” You may want to start your own business. Maybe you aspire for a complete career change or an internal promotion within your existing company. But how do you get there? It is not a straight pathway.

Interview preparation and coaching, including detailed assistance with behavioural interviews, personal presentation and body language.  One on one interview training involving "mock interviews", post-interview tactics and advanced strategies to win interviews in this highly competitive job market

LinkedIn profile builder...we assist you to fully develop and utilise your LinkedIn profile to maximise your potential value from this important online resource, involving a keyword-rich online profile that demonstrates not only what you've accomplished, but what you can offer future employers.  ACMA's online career management system also directly interfaces with each client's LinkedIn profile which allows clients to instantly access their profile whilst simultaneously using the system, thereby significantly increasing the efficiency of their job search or career management activities...this facility is unique in Australia/NZ

Personal branding:  Your perceived value-add proposition that you present to a company implies a promise. A promise that you will bring something to the table that will significantly contribute to their organisation. You must prove that your unique "brand" will contribute more to the company than the brand being presented by your competition. Your ability to communicate your brand, verbally, in writing and digitally, will drive your success in conducting an effective job search.

Assistance in accessing the "hidden job market" (70% of jobs are never advertised) including directly target marketing potential employers; this is the major focus of our program as it is where you have the highest chance of obtaining the position you want.  ACMA has developed Australia/NZ wide connections and job market intelligence gathering methods (across all sectors), designed to assist in the acceleration of the job search process by actively pursuing unadvertised positions.  We coach you to target companies that meet your search criteria, not just apply to jobs listed online... the challenge is how to find opportunities that fit your criteria.  We will guide you through this entire process to professionally market yourself to your target companies...a SMARTER WAY TO JOB SEARCH!

Online job application forms can be complex to complete.  With the advent of "no resume required" applications, the importance of responding correctly when submitting online application forms can be critical to your future career prospects.  Your consultant will coach and supervise your applications to ensure 100% compliance.

Help in approaching and using recruiters/agencies active in your target market utilising our extensive Australia/NZ wide recruiter database connections

Reference checking: assistance to validate what your nominated referees actually say about you...this is potentially vital information in achieving a clean career transition

24-hour "hotline support service" using our national toll-free number, plus embedded SMS and online access...your career management consultant is only a keystroke or telephone call away 7 days a week

Contract and salary packaging negotiation assistance ensuring that your interests are properly protected...negotiating for your livelihood is "serious business" which employers win most of the time because candidates don't know the rules and how the game is played...accept the fact that you don't get the salary you deserve; you get the salary you negotiate!

12 months mentoring after starting in any new position supporting you during the critical probationary and settling in period...assisting you to negotiate the complexities that everyone confronts when moving into a new (internal or external) workplace environment

Access to Australia's leading interactive online career management "Career Talk" system (including Tablet and Smartphone), plus flexible interactive online coaching/support that suits your location and schedule, with the option to combine online learning with "face to face" support, and unlimited 24/7 hotline access to Australia's leading specialist career management consultants (with post-graduate qualifications in career guidance management)

ONGOING MENTORING SUPPORT SERVICE your career is a lifelong journey.  Develop a long term relationship with a career management coach who can assist you with multiple aspects of your current situation and future career directions. Consistently making good career choices is a complex process that even the most experienced person can get wrong with disastrous consequences

JOBS OF THE FUTURE...ACMA is committed to keeping its client's continually up to date and informed on employment market trends and job opportunities. Read this research conducted by Deakin University, Griffith University and Ford Australia listing THE TOP 100 JOBS OF THE FUTURE

ACMA creates successful career paths through detailed individual assessment, research and job market analysis, combined with expert personalised coaching.

Note: Career Development Association of  Australia research paper found that when professional career guidance occurred that the participant was 2.67 times more likely to secure a job. 

All program services can be delivered via our interactive online cloud-based career management "Career Talk" system and/or "one-on-one" in our Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra, Melbourne, Cairns, Darwin or Auckland offices.

More information - click here



RING 1800 245 380 now to book a FREE consultation

Program Modules

Program Modules

Module 1

  • Ring or meet the client and provide initial counselling and support (explain client/counsellor confidentiality and professional relationship) 
  • Ascertain emotional state and develop strategies...EAP Assistance 
  • Keep in close contact over the first 24/48 hour period (including after-hours and weekends) 
  • Develop a time frame and aspirations with the client 
  • Complete Module 1 Assessments, including psychometric assessments 
  • Maintain ongoing regular connection with the client 

Module 2

  • Conduct Module 1 Assessments review with the client 
  • Review psychometric assessments 
  • Discuss report ramifications 
  • Source any additional information from the client 
  • Develop a detailed CV 
  • Start building "step by step" detailed ACTION PLAN around identified needs and sectors 
  • Maintain ongoing regular connection with the client 

Module 3

  • Provide 24/7 ongoing support as per individual client needs 
  • Finalise detailed Action Plan and discuss with the client 
  • Explain the Weekly Reporting and progress review system 
  • Outplacement Program Process Summary 
  • Construct/review LinkedIn profile and general social media strategy 
  • Assist client in managing online job applications via the system 
  • Maintain ongoing regular connection with the client 

Module 4

  • Provide extensive training on job selection and advertisement/PD interpretation 
  • Educate clients on application processes and protocols 
  • Coach on key selection criteria responses and similar complex applications 
  • Monitor applications (in real-time) 
  • Conduct weekly review sessions 
  • Maintain ongoing regular connection with the client 

Module 5

  • Develop and implement a target marketing strategy and identification 
  • Educate clients on using recruiters and headhunters 
  • Develop specific networking strategies and techniques 
  • Coach clients to use specific scripts and techniques to introduce themselves 
  • Provide LinkedIn training as a research and job-hunting resource tool 
  • Ongoing monitoring of the Action Plan progress
  • Maintain ongoing regular connection with the client 

Module 6

  • Provide detailed interview preparation and behavioural interview training 
  • Conduct mock interviews and discuss specific interview tactics 
  • Review interview results and implement appropriate strategies 
  • Salary and contract negotiation 
  • Review job offers and contracts 
  • Maintain ongoing regular connection with the client 

Module 7

  • Familiarise clients with psychometric tests in various formats 
  • Provide sample tests for clients to practice on 
  • Provide counselling on relaxation techniques and personal presentation 
  • Assist client to develop a detailed 3-5 year CAREER PLAN
  • Maintain ongoing regular connection with the client 


  • Tailor the program to the individual’s needs, timeframe, aspirations, personality and location 
  • ACMA's case management process provides ongoing supervision and 24/7 support throughout the program 
  • Provide 12 months of mentoring support AFTER the client commences in their new position 
  • Identify and implement any other appropriate strategy to assist the client in achieving his/her career goals 
  • Develop a life-long relationship with the client as a valuable career management resource for future career moves 

Recent recommendation:

"In my many years in HR, it is rare to find an outplacement provider like ACMA that truly cares for the person as an individual, not just as a project or task. The response times are best in class, as often these events occur spontaneously; the management and team react and commence service delivery without hesitation.  

Where most providers drop the candidate as soon as they are employed again, the ACMA team carry through with the support to ensure the candidate is well-equipped to pass any milestone put in front of them.

True professionals, in every sense of the word, can't recommend their services highly enough. Cost-effective and highly skilled, the feedback from employees helped by ACMA has always been at the 5-star level."

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