Who's afraid of interviews

Interviews are like going to the dentist, we get nervous and think the worst, with the actual event usually not matching our fears.
Look at an interview as a chat between two (or more) people to get an understanding of our professional competencies and skills. It is definitely not an exercise in "scaring the daylights out of you".
For any transaction in life, there has to be a willing seller and a willing buyer. The interviewee is the product and you need to clearly articulate your potential benefit to the interviewer (employer).
Detailed preparation for an interview is the key to success and being offered the position. The era of “winging it” belongs to the last century as the methods and tactics employers and recruiters use today are both complex and process-driven.
This is true for all levels of the workforce ranging from graduates to CEO’s, and everything in between.
The 21st-century employment market has grown highly competitive and sophisticated. Inadequate knowledge and preparation can result in lost opportunities, frustration and rejection.
1. An interview makes most people nervous...that in normal
2. Do your thorough preparation prior to the interview so that you are confident in your ability to effectively respond to most questions
3. When you arrive at the interview become TOTALLY FOCUSED on this task and nothing else (certainly not your feelings or emotions)
4. Your task over the next 60 minutes is to perform well and tell your story professionally...THAT IS YOUR JOB FOR THE NEXT 60 MINUTES...put everything else out of your mind
5. Relax...what is the worst that can happen
6. When answering questions PAUSE, then take a deep breath...relax your shoulders and slowly respond to the question
7. Remember an interview is simply a conversation between two parties wanting to find a common ground...if you do not get the job it is not the end of the world
8. View an interview as a learning experience whatever the outcome
Unlock your true career potential with ACMA's proven migrant career management program.
Note: A Career Development Association of Australia research paper found that when professional career guidance occurred that the participant was 2.67 times more likely to secure a job.
All program services can be delivered via our interactive online cloud-based career management "Career Talk" system and/or "one-on-one" in our Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra, Melbourne, Cairns or Auckland offices.
RING 1800 245 380 now to book a FREE consultation