Job there a better way? YES!

Most people simply apply to online job sites and hope for the best.
Applying online is not particularly scientific and is usually very disappointing. Accept the fact that most online job advertisements get hundreds of responses and then you might start to understand the odds (not very good).
How about research and connecting directly with employers that would actually need your skills and expertise?
How about talking to people in your industry sector about job opportunities?
How about limiting your efforts to a target market of employers in your region?
Just applying online is easy/lazy and mostly unproductive...there are many better ways and proven job search techniques designed to focus and escalate your ultimate job search outcomes.
That's why other people get the job they want and you don't.
Three facts:
1. It’s not how you apply, it’s who you know (and if you don’t know someone, don’t bother)
2. Companies are trying to fill a position with minimal risk, not discover someone who breaks the mould
3. The number of jobs you apply to has no correlation to whether you’ll be considered, and you won’t be considered for jobs you don’t get the chance to apply for (hidden job market)
Accelerate your job search efficiency today...there are alternative pathways!
ACMA creates successful career paths through detailed individual assessment, research and job market analysis, combined with expert personalised coaching.
Note: A Career Development Association of Australia research paper found that when professional career guidance occurred that the participant was 2.67 times more likely to secure a job.
All program services can be delivered via our interactive online cloud-based career management "Career Talk" system and/or "one-on-one" in our Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra, Melbourne, Cairns or Auckland offices.
RING 1800 245 380 now to book a FREE consultation